"Whoever Comes to Me Shall Not Hunger"


In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and declaration of a national emergency our priest, The Rev. Lacy Largent shared a notice from our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Andrew Doyle.  Beginning on  March 15, 2020, Mother Lacy, Miguel Sousa, our music director, and several choir members would remain on the job and utilize an online format.  Other parishioners would worship from home.

The Book of Common Prayer describes The Holy Eucharist as a sacrament, "An outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace."  Regarding Communion our prayer book states, "The benefits we receive are the forgiveness of sins, the strengthening of our union with Christ and with one another...."  We grieve our inability to continue this sacred tradition.

We also miss visiting with friends and welcoming newcomers at coffee hour,  our monthly potluck, and small group dinners,
but recognize these hardships are small when compared to the physical, mental, and economic losses incurred by many.

We're uncertain of when we'll return to church and the changes we'll face, but we are confident the customary spirit of hospitality at St. Francis Episcopal Church on Rock Prarie will prevail.  


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